California Condor drop ‘Dissident’ | New Music

Hailing from Estonia, California Condor drop their hard-hitting single ‘Dissident’ which has already had much acclaim. Known for their eclectic and unique sound ‘Dissident’ continues in a similar vein.

Speaking about the track, they say: “The melody has to match the lyrics. Because there came a guitar riff that was melodic and dark enough for “Dissident” . The melody stands with protest, rather more confident protest than uncertain . We thought the melody and words match for “Dissident” and so the song was made.  This track is dedicated to the ones who stand for righteous principals and who stick by these principals until no matter what. Nothing can remove these principals from the person, because he knows it’s the only truth.” 

With a unique offering and an important message, we can see this irresistible outfit reaching the very top. They’re also taking their music on the road, with a European tour starting in March 2023 to November 2023, and it’s one not to miss. 

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