Roseland En Why Cee drop new release ‘Bené’ | New Music

Nathan Jamal, a London-based rapper and instrumentalist is back with ‘Bené’, a glowing new release. Under the moniker of Roseland En Why Cee, Bené’s mix of soul, reggae and jazz has led to a fast rise, and it’s easy to see how.

Speaking further about the track, he shares:

I re-watched the film City of God after years and remembered how much I connected to the character of Bené. I thought it would be fun to reimagine him in a world that was part 70s Rio, part modern day London. Blending parts of myself into the character until the lines start to blur. Bené’s story would be really empowering if it weren’t for the tragic twist at the end. Unfortunately that’s a reality for so many lives. I think my way of dealing with tragedy is to face it head on, and try to find the beauty in and around the negative parts.” 

Stream Bené now:

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