Zach James Douglas delivers rich new single ‘You’re Still Everything’ with Lupupa | New Music

Zach James Douglas summons rich textures and tumbling, melodic riffs on ‘You’re Still Everything’.  Shifting from bold, atmospheric soundscapes to organic bell sounds and minimal beats, Zach delivers rhythm and musicality in abundance. Lupupa’s warming, mellow vocals are a stunning match for Zach’s eclectic production, stacking harmonies and echoes for an all-encompassing sound.

Speaking about the release Zach says: 

“With my previous single “I’d Breathe For You”, the focus was based around the challenges faced by an individual, struggling to build meaningful connections during lockdown, but with “You’re Still Everything” I felt it was important to acknowledge those who put others before themselves and served as a rock for the ones they love, who couldn’t quite cope with the weight of the pandemic on their own. The level of mental fortitude required to maintain any relationship during lockdown is immense, but for those who have to carry the additional weight of a partner struggling to keep their heads above water, requires a level of compassion and empathy that I find awe inspiring. Unfortunately, a number of relationships within my social circle crumbled throughout covid, that notwithstanding, would probably still be going strong today. As sad as this is, it was always inevitable that some may not make it out the other end, but I’d like to think that for many of those relationships that did manage to weather the storm, that they have now forged a new level of resilience that might not have existed before and that their brightest days may still be let to come.”

The Dublin-based artist is forging a new era, with ‘You’re Still Everything’ being his second single of the year. A new EP is on the horizon and expectations are certainly high.

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