Fred Everything talks Franck Roger, Lazy Days & new album Love, Care, Kindness, and Hope

An interview with the Insider

Fred Everything has become a real favourite here on the pages of Le Visiteur. He’s a prolific artist but one who delivers the highest quality house music time and time again, a real master of his art. With a brand new remix of Franck Roger’s Enchanted out right now and a highly anticipated artist album Love, Care, Kindness, and Hope on the way we thought it was high time that we spoke in depth with Fred.

It’s a truly fascinating interview covering all aspects of his career, his label Lazy Days, the incoming album and of course his remix of Enchanted which you can grab HERE and check below.

Welcome Fred

You seem to be constantly busy. How busy have you been the last few years, and how do you feel about being constantly on the go?

Music is my passion but it’s also my job, so I have to stay busy! The last few years have been a little different due to the pandemic and its side effects, so I’ve had more time to focus on studio work.

You have made a LOT of great records over the years Fred. 250 release +! Do you feel pressure to continue to improve upon what you do each time?

Thanks! It’s a pressure that only I put on myself. As I’m trying to improve and push things further as much as I can. I realize I’m still a long way to where I want to be musically. That’s what keeps me going!

How do you challenge yourself musically? How do you continue to increase the bar?

I’m still a music fan first. I listen to a lot of music, both old and new. This is what inspires me first and foremost. I also love studio equipment and continue to research and try new instruments and techniques.

Where is it you are based today?

I’m in Montreal. I was born in Hull but raised in Quebec City (both in the province of Quebec). I momentarily lived in London and also in San Francisco for 8 years.

How long has Lazy Days the label been around? What initiated the start up?

Almost 20 years (2005). I started it as a platform for my own projects and collaborations to keep an artistic freedom. I eventually opened it to other artists in my extended musical family.

Do you remember why you called it Lazy Days?

I was on holiday in Grenada (Caribbean Islands) and there was a beach bar there that was called Lazy Days. It had the different letters each painted on their own little panel and randomly placed on a speaker. I took a few photos for inspiration and thought it would be a great name for a record label. I consider myself a lazy workaholic. I work a lot but at my own pace!

You are about to release your album – Love, Care, Kindness, and Hope. Such a thought-provoking title. Tell us what it means to you?

These were 4 words I wrote on a Post-it in my studio during the pandemic as an inspiration. It was an introspective time, and these were the values that I wanted to carry through my life and my work. When I finished the album, I tried to come up with a title that would incorporate these words and I ended up keeping it exactly the way it was written originally. First idea, best idea!

How long has the album been in the making?

I went on a studio retreat for 2 weeks in the fall of 2021. Everything was still closed here, and I needed to work on a project that would bring me hope instead of feeling depressed about the endless situation we were in. It’s been finished and mastered since last summer, but I had to release another album first. An ambient album under my alias All Is Well – A Break In Time on Compost/Drumpoet). Also created during the pandemic.

What was the most challenging part of putting the album together?

Probably collaborations. I like things to be organic and I only work with people I have a connection with, or at least one degree link through my musical family. While most of them were easy, I had one song that was more challenging with a few people interested to work on it but never came through. In the end, I was really pleased with the result. Probably more than if it was the 2 original choices. Happy to have Stereo MC’s, Robert Owens, James Alexander Bright on it as guest vocalists. I also provided my own vocals to a few tracks. Other great additions come from Finn Peters on horns and Pete Whitfield on strings.

When you started to make it, did you have a concept in mind? What was it you wanted to convey through the album?

The title was my guide. Musically, I wanted to make my “dream” album. Something that would hopefully endure the test of time. It’s also inspired by a lot of electronic albums from the late 90’s/early 2000’s. Labels like Nuphonic and Paper used to put out great albums that weren’t purely “House”. I’ve also been listening to a lot more Jazz lately – mostly Spiritual Jazz, and my collaborator and the addition of Finn Peters on horns helped bring that flavour to the album.

Do you feel you have achieved what you wanted to convey with this album?

I would say that overall, yes.

As well as your own productions you are a prolific remixer. You have just remixed Franck Roger’s Enchanted, and I have to say, it’s the winning remix. What is your spin on the track?

That was a nice remix to work on because there were so many great parts and it’s a nice song to begin with. I tried to stay as respectful to the original as possible while adding my own flavour to it. I usually start by deciding what I don’t want to use and what I want to emphasize. I used my own drums but I might keep a shaker or percussion part for familiarity. I know I used my Oberheim OB-X8 a lot on this because I just gotten it at the time! I’m pleased with the results. I also like the Dub.

You’ve just been out at the Miami Music Week. How much fun have you had there? What was a highlight for you?

I came back yesterday. It was my first time since Covid so it was great to see familiar faces again! The highlight would be the closing party at Dante’s HiFi. I played inside while Louie Vega and Rich Medina played classics in the courtyard. One for the books!

You have spent many years honing your craft. What are you most proud of in your career?

To still be here through thick and thin. It’s not an easy path and it’s not for everyone but that’s the life I chose!

How much do you think what it takes to be a successful artist has changed these days or do you feel the fundamentals remain the same?

It depends what our definition of success is. On one hand, we have more tools to make it on our own, on the other, there are thousands of hungry people trying to “make it”.

The advancement in technology, especially in the AI sector, will make it even worse to navigate. I think it’s more relevant than ever to shine with your own voice rather than trying to make music to be “successful”. Let the machines compete.

What has been one of biggest challenges in putting our music over the years?

The difficult financial reality of putting music out. A lot of people take music for granted these days, not thinking about the investment in time and money involved to make a final product. This means having to tour to not only make a living but also to be able to finance your musical projects. With the constant cost increase involved with touring, and fees staying relatively stable, it makes it harder for people to tour. And not to mention the toll it can have on mental health.

Do you feel you have overcome those challenges today?

It’s about finding a balance. You simply have to accept it and adapt to the new reality. Stay open minded, creative, and flexible to survive.

What advice would you give you a young Fred 20 years ago about your life?

“It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.”

What do you have going on in 2024 that you can share?

My album is the biggest project this year. I have a lot of great remixes coming out for the album by Waajeed, Osunlade, Rocco Rodamaal, Clive From Accounts, Atjazz…I also have a quite a few remixes coming out in the next few months. There’s an Atjazz & Fred Everything album in the works but will most likely come out in 2025. Gig wise, I’ll be premiering my Fred Everything live show at Mutek’s 25th anniversary in Montreal this August, and some selected international dates around the album.

You have achieved many things during your time. Do you have further ambitions as an artist?

I still have a lot to do creatively but also expand the educational part of my curriculum. It’s important to share the knowledge to the next generation of artists.

When you are not making great music, what might we find you doing?

Listening to music, record shopping, going to museums, traveling, and spending time with my wife.

Will we have the pleasure of you in the UK any time soon?

The pleasure would be mine! It’s been a little while since my last time. Just started to work with an agent in the UK so stay tuned or reach out to

For more info on Fred Everything please check:

Lazy Days / Fred Everything Facebook:
Lazy Days / Fred Everything Soundcloud:
Lazy Days / Fred Everything Instagram:
Lazy Days / Fred Everything Twitter:

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Tags: Franck Roger, fred everything, Lazy Days

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